Breast Reduction Beverly Hills

Breast Reduction in Los Angeles

Large breasts that are heavy and pendulous can cause tremendous issues for women, both physically and emotionally. Dense, heavy, large breasts often cause chronic, debilitating neck and back pain and make it difficult to engage in activities of daily living and exercise. Emotional and self-esteem issues can arise from having large breasts that are out of proportion to the rest of one’s body. Breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective method of decreasing the size of the breasts while maintaining (or improving upon) their natural shape. As a leading breast reduction surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Robert Applebaum has seen first-hand the emotional and physical relief breast reduction surgery offers to women that are unhappy with their enlarged breasts.

Are You a Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Generally, women who are good candidates for breast reduction are those who:

  • Have D cup or larger breasts that impact their daily living
  • Have chronic back, neck and/or shoulder pain due to oversized breasts
  • Have deep grooving on the shoulders from wearing support bras that hold up heavy breasts
  • Experience self-esteem issues due to the shape and size of their breasts
  • Experience impairment of activities due to large breasts and difficulty with exercise

To determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure, Dr. Applebaum will meet with you in consultation to perform a breast examination for assessment of size and shape, and review your general medical history. Because each patient is unique, he will also discuss both the aesthetic and functional outcomes while developing a personalized treatment plan that is designed to meet your goals for a breast reduction procedure. Dr. Applebaum will answer questions and review the breast reduction procedure extensively a second time with you. He will also provide you with post-op instructions during your pre-operative appointment. Insurance coverage for breast reduction depends on several factors; Dr. Applebaum and his staff work with each patient to obtain preauthorization for breast reduction surgery.

Procedure Details

Breast reduction surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia in Dr. Applebaum’s private, accredited in-office surgery center with a team of healthcare providers. The surgery can take anywhere from three to four hours to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the breast reduction procedure. To begin, Dr. Applebaum will make very specific markings on the breasts, which will guide his incisions in order to eliminate excess skin, fat and glandular tissue from the breast. He will also raise the nipple and areola complex higher on the new breast mound to create a lifted, more youthful appearance. After the final breast sculpting for shape and size, Dr. Applebaum will close the incisions with sutures and place a surgical bra on the breasts.The initial recovery period for breast reduction is a one- to two-week process, and most patients take seven to ten days off of work. The next few weeks involve incisional healing while wearing a comfortable non-underwire bra. Patients much avoid strenuous exercise for four weeks. Every patient has her own healing curve. Bruising resolves within several weeks and the final last amounts of swelling can last six months to a year. Patients typically take prescription medications for the first week. A slow and gradual return to normal activities is recommended to allow your breasts to heal properly.

Why Choose Dr. Applebaum for Your Breast Reduction

Studies with patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery demonstrate a very high level of satisfaction with the procedure as well as an overall improvement in quality of life and happiness with final results. Dr. Applebaum will attest to the fact that the happiest patients in his practice are the breast reduction patients who have both a functional improvement and cosmetic results that improve self-esteem and reduction in chronic discomfort. Over the past fifteen years, Dr. Applebaum has developed a specialty in breast reduction surgery using the French Vertical reduction technique, which requires less surgical incisions and faster recovery times than with traditional incision techniques. A true plastic surgery innovator, Dr. Applebaum has years of experience and prides himself on his natural breast reduction results, which create more youthful, smaller and more proportional breasts for each patient. Dr. Applebaum spends quality time with each patient prior to surgery and after each procedure to shepherd patients through the recovery process and to ensure that each patient has personalized care in his practice. Dr. Applebaum is committed to delivering excellent outcomes with breast reduction surgery by meeting patient goals for each breast reduction procedure. For examples of his breast reduction surgery results, please visit Dr. Applebaum’s before and after galleries.


To learn more about a breast reduction procedure, schedule
a personal consultation with Dr. Applebaum by calling today.